I Love Python. I Learn Python. I Teach Python. I Am a Python.


教小孩 學 Python 程式語言,用 中文 及 英文。(02)

  • LEVEL 2

Python Next Steps
Ch.1 - Data types:
   >>> Learn about data types.
   >>> Learn about tuples, lists and dictionaries.
   >>> Make a version of MyMagic8Ball that is much shorter to code than the one from Python Basics.
Ch.2 - Building GUIs:

   >>> Practise using tuples and dictionaries.
   >>> Review using tkinter and learn about some more widgets.
   >>> Build a GUI.
   >>> Build a glossary application that can easily be customised into a number of other simple cool apps too.

from tkinter import *
窗類= Tk
輸入類= Entry
文字類= Text
標籤類= Label
按鈕類= Button
# 創造 視窗應用程式的元件(widget)。
窗= 窗類()
輸入框= 輸入類(窗, bg= "cyan")
輸出框= 文字類(窗, bg= "yellow")
輸入框標籤= 標籤類(窗, text= "輸入你要找的詞彙:")
輸出框標籤= 標籤類(窗, text= "查詢結果如下:")
def 點擊查詢():
輸入文字= 輸入框.get()
詞彙定義= 詞彙表[輸入文字]
# 輸入文字若在詞彙表中找不到,
# 程式會在此發生「意外」(except),
# 就進入下一行的 except: 之內。
詞彙定義 = "這個字詞 【%s】 找不到。"%(輸入文字)
輸出框.delete(0.0, END)
輸出框.insert(END, 詞彙定義)
按鈕= 按鈕類(窗, text= "點擊查詢", command= 點擊查詢)
# 安排元件的位置
輸入框標籤.grid(row=0,column=0); 輸入框.grid(row=0,column=1)
輸出框標籤.grid(row=1,column=0); 按鈕.grid( row=1,column=1)
輸出框.grid( row=2,column=0, columnspan= 2)
# 詞彙表 資料庫 在此,
# 通常我們可以上網取得這種資料,
# 略加整理成我們要的格式。
詞彙表= {
'台灣': 'Taiwan',
'美國': 'USA',
'日本': 'Japan',
'中國': 'China',
'Taiwan': '台灣',
'USA': '美國',
'Japan': '日本',
'China': '中國'}
# 進入主迴圈

Ch.3 - Designing a Simple Calculator:
   >>> Learn about 'for loops'.
   >>> Use lists and loops to save a lot of repetitive coding.
   >>> Learn more about the tkinter button widget.
   >>> Design your own calculator application called MyCalculator.
   >>> Build a complex GUI easily.
Ch.4 - A Fully Working Calculator:
   >>> Learn how to use default values in functions creatively.
   >>> Learn about debugging.
   >>> Learn about catching and handling errors.
   >>> Delve deeper into binary numbers.
   >>> Produce a fully working calculator.
Ch.5 - Customising the Calculator:
   >>> Layout a customisable calculator.
   >>> Create some fully functioning constant buttons.
   >>> Start a module to hold the functions for our programmable buttons.
   >>> Learn a little more about how to organise code in applications.
Bonus Chapter - Algorithms:
   >>> Add code to the programmable buttons.
   >>> Learn about algorithms.
   >>> Learn about factorials.
   >>> Learn how to convert numbers to roman numerals.
   >>> Make a fully programmable calculator with some unique functions including its own customisable game.

改自 myCalculator4_final.py
呂仁園, 2014/07/13
from math import *
from random import *
from tkinter import *
class 窗類(Tk):
def __init__(我, *x, **y):
Tk.__init__(我, *x, **y)
def 標題(我, *x, **y):
我.title(*x, **y)
def 主迴圈(我, *x, **y):
class 框類(Frame):
def __init__(我, *x, **y):
Frame.__init__(我,*x, **y)
def 格位(我,*x, **y):
我.grid(*x, **y)
class 鈕類(Button):
def __init__(我, *x, **y):
Button.__init__(我,*x, **y)
def 格位(我,*x, **y):
我.grid(*x, **y)
class 盒類(Entry):
def __init__(我, *x, **y):
Entry.__init__(我,*x, **y)
def 格位(我,*x, **y):
我.grid(*x, **y)
class 標類(Label):
def __init__(我, *x, **y):
Label.__init__(我,*x, **y)
def 格位(我,*x, **y):
我.grid(*x, **y)
class 文類(Text):
def __init__(我, *x, **y):
Text.__init__(我,*x, **y)
def 格位(我,*x, **y):
我.grid(*x, **y)
def 點擊(鈕):
global 計數器
if 鈕 == '計算':
算式= 出入盒.get()
計算結果= eval(算式)
轉成文字= str(計算結果)
出入盒.insert(END, " 計算結果為: " + 轉成文字)
出入盒.insert(END, " --> 輸入不合語法!")
elif 鈕 == "清除":
文.insert(END, '[%d:] %s\n'%(計數器, 出入盒.get()))
出入盒.delete(0, END)
出入盒.insert(END, 鈕)
數字列表= [ str(x) for x in range(0,10)]+['.']
邏輯列表= ['True', 'False', ' and ',' or ',' not ']
算符列表= [
'(',')','+', '-','*', '/', '**', '//','%',
功能列表= ['計算','清除']
列表群= [數字列表, 邏輯列表, 功能列表, 算符列表]
窗= 窗類()
文= 文類(窗, bg= 'pink')
出入框= 框類(窗, bg= 'cyan')
文.格位( row= 0, column= 0, columnspan= len(列表群))
出入框.格位(row= 1, column= 0, columnspan= len(列表群))
col= 0
for 列表 in 列表群:
框= 框類(窗)
框.格位(row= 2, column= col)
L= len(列表)
M= int(L**.5)
n= 0
for 符 in 列表:
def 命令(x= 符):
鈕= 鈕類(框, text= 符, width= 5, command= 命令)
r, c= n//M, n%M
n += 1
鈕.格位(row= r,column= c)
標= 標類(出入框, bg="gray", text='出入框')
出入盒= 盒類(出入框, bg= "yellow")
標.格位( row=0, column=0)
出入盒.格位(row=1, column=0)
# 正式開跑!

