I Love Python. I Learn Python. I Teach Python. I Am a Python.


教小孩 學 Python 程式語言,用 中文 及 英文。(03)

  • LEVEL 3

Python: Building Big Apps
Ch.1 - Can you guess my password?
   >>> variables
   >>> if, elif and else
   >>> functions
   >>> while loops
   >>> modules.
Ch.2 - Objects, classes and factories
   >>> learn how to design classes
   >>> learn how to make objects from classes
   >>> start to build your own module
   >>> learn how to build larger programs one bit at a time.

The MyPong Project:

Ch.3 - Creating the Table
   >>> design a table class
   >>> learn a bit more about the tkinter module
   >>> build a simple graphical app.
Ch.4 - Making the Ball
   >>> design a ball class
   >>> learn how to add the ball to the table
   >>> learn how to animate shapes in tkinter.
Ch.5 - Building the Bats
   >>> design a bat class
   >>> learn how to add the bats to the table
   >>> learn how objects communicate with each other.
Ch.6 - The Rules and Scoring
   >>> stop the ball bouncing off the left and right walls
   >>> add a scoring system to your game
   >>> finish MyPong.
Bonus Chapter - Two more games

   >>> see how useful lists are for storing objects in games
   >>> see how to add many bricks at once using a loop
   >>> see how flexible your ball, bat and table classes are
   >>> produce two new games that can be further customised.
big apps


