In addition to 30 keywords or so, Python-3 allows you to use non-English characters as identifiers. That means you can write a program almost in your own native language, which is usually the one you feel the most fluent to speak and to THINK.
It is an interesting option for me, I enjoy it, and love it. I suggest you to give it a try.
There are several discussion about this idea as follows:
A bunch of examples are here.
有沒有試過用 中文 寫程式?
Python-3 除了 約 30個 關鍵字(keywords) (列在文後當參考)不可用中文之外,
(其實任何使用 Unicode 編碼的語言皆可,
中文 是我最流利(fluent)的語言,
印= print | |
number= 10 print("This is a number: ", number) theta= 90 print("This is an angle: ", theta) | 數= 10 印("這是一個數: ", 數) θ= 90 印("這是一個角度: ", θ) |
def count_to(a_number): n=1 while n <= a_number: print(n) n = n+1 | def 算到(一個數): n= 1 while n <= 一個數: 印(n) n= n+1 |
count_to(10) | 算到(10) |
>>> >>> >>> number= 10 >>> print("This is a number: ", number) This is a number: 10 >>> theta= 90 >>> print("This is an angle: ", theta) This is an angle: 90 >>> def count_to(a_number): n=1 while n <= a_number: print(n) n = n+1 >>> count_to(10) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 >>> | >>> >>> 印= print >>> 數= 10 >>> 印("這是一個數: ", 數) 這是一個數: 10 >>> θ= 90 >>> 印("這是一個角度: ", θ) 這是一個角度: 90 >>> def 算到(一個數): n= 1 while n <= 一個數: 印(n) n= n+1 >>> 算到(10) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 >>> |
再提供一個 複雜一點的 龜作圖 (Turtle graphics) 例子如下:
from turtle import * sayHello= 'Hello, World!' print(sayHello) for i in range(100): forward(100) left(170) penup() goto(0, 100) pendown() write(sayHello) mainloop() | from turtle_tc import * 問候語= '你好,全世界!' 印(問候語) for i in 範圍(100): 前進(100) 左轉(170) 提筆() 前往(0, 100) 下筆() 寫(問候語) 主迴圈() |
from turtle import * def turtleDraw(*x, **y): clear() shape('turtle') goto(0,0) setheading(0) stamp() write('Hello, world!') pendown() for i in range(100): forward(100) left(100) penup() onscreenclick(turtleDraw) onscreenclick(turtleDraw) | from turtle_tc import * def 龜畫圖(*x, **y): 清除() 形狀(龜形) 前往(0,0) 設頭向(0) 蓋印() 寫('你好,世界!') 下筆() for i in 範圍(100): 前進(100) 左轉(100) 提筆() 在點擊幕時(龜畫圖) 在點擊幕時(龜畫圖) |
執行本程式需要 turtle 模組, 已經包含在 Python 原裝環境之中,無須額外安裝。 | 執行本程式需要 turtle_tc 模組, You can get here. 最簡單的 安裝 (installation) 是把它與你的程式 放在同一目錄 (put it in the same directory) 即可。 |
Python 關鍵字(keywords) 約 30個, 它們都有特定的 語法 功能, 因此我們不把它們中文化,列表如下:
>>> import keyword >>> keyword.kwlist ['False', 'None', 'True', 'and', 'as', 'assert', 'break', 'class', 'continue', 'def', 'del', 'elif', 'else', 'except', 'finally', 'for', 'from', 'global', 'if', 'import', 'in', 'is', 'lambda', 'nonlocal', 'not', 'or', 'pass', 'raise', 'return', 'try', 'while', 'with', 'yield'] >>> len(keyword.kwlist) 33 >>>
In addition to these keywords, use as many non-English (Chinese) words as you like. Sometimes, even Greek characters (αβγδ) or Japanese kanas (あいうえお) will appear in my programs.
除此之外, 盡量用中文吧! 中英夾雜也無不可。 如果偶爾穿插幾個希臘字母 αβγδ πθμσ ΣΨΓΔ 若有助於閱讀,也無傷大雅。