https://pycon.jp/2015/ja/events/sprint/KaraOke style Read Aloud system (textKaraok)
p00. Renyuan Lyu [仁園(二円) 呂]
p01. Hisahiro Ohmura (尚弘 大村)
p02. Piotr Dyba (Peter)
# Start
The prototype system is here. (in Windows, using GoogleTTS)
# Major files (source and data)
f01. runMe.bat
f02. ryGttsHalign.py (for english only)
f03. ryGttsHalign_3lang.py (for 3 languages, incl english, japanese, tChinese)
f04. _input/en00_wiki.utf8
f05. _input/jp00_wiki.utf8
f06. _input/tc00_wiki.utf8
# Descriptions of major files
d01. some pre-installation are described in runMe.bat
d02. _HTKTools is only for Windows to use
d02.1 for Mac, please go to http://htk.eng.cam.ac.uk/ ,
register, download, and build up the HTK Tools
This may be challenge, take care and good luck.
d02.2 another outside tool is FFMpeg, https://www.ffmpeg.org/,
this is easier.
d03. after installation, you can do runMe.bat
# Meet and talk with
智子 打田 (Uchida Tomoko)
she presented 'janome' @ PyConJP
I got much help from her experience of Japanese natural language processing.
I know MeCab from her janome project.
about the Chinese language, she suggested 'Class SmartChineseAnalyzer' for me to use.
# a 'Ref' to see the final result
a demo on JavaScript is here (for ref in this sprint)
# the development process ....
c01. Initially, we meet some obstacles to install it on Mac, since HTK has not been updated for at least 5 years (lastUpdatedYear==2009).
c02. Having difficulties? Search 'install HTK on Mac OS', >>> http://htk.eng.cam.ac.uk/docs/inst-nix.shtml, it may be useful.
HTK on OS X, https://github.com/JoFrhwld/FAVE/wiki/HTK-on-OS-X
Hisahiro get a success from the above git, 御目出度う御座います
c03. Getting mp3 from google seems a prohibit now. !!
c04. Determine to skip it first.
Try to use this link to have some speech for the next stage processing:
Successful, except for those Windows system calls.
c05. 尚弘 suggests to use Mac's TTS directly.
Great idea!
Now it is possible that we do not need Internet (or google) to run this program.
c06. another confusing point is the fileSize / timeDuration in the audio file.
Solved !
c07. Determine to give a presentation no matter how....
c03. Getting mp3 from google seems a prohibit now. !!
c04. Determine to skip it first.
Try to use this link to have some speech for the next stage processing:
Successful, except for those Windows system calls.
c05. 尚弘 suggests to use Mac's TTS directly.
Great idea!
Now it is possible that we do not need Internet (or google) to run this program.
c06. another confusing point is the fileSize / timeDuration in the audio file.
Solved !
c07. Determine to give a presentation no matter how....